4 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Literally a roadmap outlining the addition of the remaining features-to-be-added extending into Q4 2025... But sure, "They won't be working on this game anymore other than a few bug fixes.".

That's sarcasm by the way. They've made it pretty clear they fully intend to keep working on the game, including meeting most/all 'promises' for, at the minimum, a year and a half, and almost definitely more.

They've been at this for over 10 years much to the ire of many who think they should've stopped 4-5 years ago. What exactly makes you think they're just going to drop everything at 1.0 and never touch the game again?

Also, Side comment, What is with this weird prevalence of '1.0 means they're never touching it again!! >:(!" lately? I can't think of a single game released the 1980s that actually finiished developing on a 1.0 unless the company went immediately bankrupt when they made it 1.0. Even SNES and NES games had 1.1, 1.2, etc versions; Granted you didn't get those updates on your personal cartridge, but, the updates were made and shipped on subsequent batches of cartridges being sold; It's one of the biggest problems in speedrunning; Sourcing the correct version of the game you want to run.

1.0 does not, and pretty much never has, mean 'The End'.
4 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Maekar - Boycott Capcom:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Literally a roadmap outlining the addition of the remaining features-to-be-added extending into Q4 2025... But sure, "They won't be working on this game anymore other than a few bug fixes.".

That's sarcasm by the way. They've made it pretty clear they fully intend to keep working on the game, including meeting most/all 'promises' for, at the minimum, a year and a half, and almost definitely more.

They've been at this for over 10 years much to the ire of many who think they should've stopped 4-5 years ago. What exactly makes you think they're just going to drop everything at 1.0 and never touch the game again?

Also, Side comment, What is with this weird prevalence of '1.0 means they're never touching it again!! >:(!" lately? I can't think of a single game released the 1980s that actually finiished developing on a 1.0 unless the company went immediately bankrupt when they made it 1.0. Even SNES and NES games had 1.1, 1.2, etc versions; Granted you didn't get those updates on your personal cartridge, but, the updates were made and shipped on subsequent batches of cartridges being sold; It's one of the biggest problems in speedrunning; Sourcing the correct version of the game you want to run.

1.0 does not, and pretty much never has, mean 'The End'.
if thats true then im relieved, and im sorry for the post
4 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Remember kids. Always do your research before starting a flame bait thread.