Originally posted by Dragonborn Operative: how is making things / players or ai slower on Barbed wire considered 'OP' ?
The issue wasn't that it slowed players or AI. It was, specifically, that the player could place it against a wall and the zombie would never actually
walk into and thus damage, the barbed wire, yet were slowed because the effect is applied to the entire blockspace, that was an issue.
Players then doubled down on this by realizing they could set barbed wire at foot level, and some kind of partial block above it and make it so zombies would never, under any circumstance, cause any damage to the barbed wire due to collision boxes.
The slow isn't OP. The infinite slowing effect with no resource cost via repairs or replacement was an issue. If the slow were the issue, BOTH versions of barbed wire would have been removed- Not just one.
You have barbed wire you can build with. It has functionally identical properties as the other form of barbed wire- same amount of slowing effect, same amount of minor damage, same block HP and everthing...The only differences are visual, and in the collision box. The current barbed wire (the little fence looking thing that resembles wooden spikes) occupies much more of the block- and so if it's effecting a zombie with slow, it is almost certainly taking damage as intended.
The whole issue stems from the fact that TFP currently has no way of implementing the slowing effect on a granular level smaller than a full block space. Either the block space slows enemies, or it doesn't. They can't reduce the size of the effect any further. (This is actually true of damaging effects like spikes as well.)
And due to how the collision systems work, the collision box is the same exact size and shape of the in world object as rendered- Meaning just expanding the collision box to be the same size as the slowing area (ie, the full block) would result in a very distorted looking mess that doesn't at all resemble the barbed wire that you know and love.
The obvious solutions here just won't work due to limitations within the engine that they have little control over. So, they did the only thing they could- They removed the offending block but left it's functionally similar counterpart the barbed wire fence in. Whether the removal was temporary until they find a solution or intended to be permanent isn't something I'm aware of though.
If it's such a huge issue that you absolutely needs must have your flat and exploitable barbed wire, then grab a mod to re-enable crafting of it- I'm fairly certain there's one on the nexus. Or even just craft the barbed wire fence in game and trade it in 1:1 via creative mode. But they won't re-implement it in vanilla until they can solve the perceived issue in a satisfactory manner.