about 3 years
ago -
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There's no way for the game to tell what blocks are placed by you or were pre-existing- It can for entities(Forge/Workbench/etc), because they have additional information.. But not for blocks.
So giving the player a damage boost to blocks in their claimed area would mean players just carry stone around to craft and place landclaims at any particular building they feel like demolishing, or mining area they want to dig through. Even if you made it not work on natural material, just the fact that it could be used to break down POI's would be an issue.
So giving the player a damage boost to blocks in their claimed area would mean players just carry stone around to craft and place landclaims at any particular building they feel like demolishing, or mining area they want to dig through. Even if you made it not work on natural material, just the fact that it could be used to break down POI's would be an issue.