about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
There's no way for the game to tell what blocks are placed by you or were pre-existing- It can for entities(Forge/Workbench/etc), because they have additional information.. But not for blocks.

So giving the player a damage boost to blocks in their claimed area would mean players just carry stone around to craft and place landclaims at any particular building they feel like demolishing, or mining area they want to dig through. Even if you made it not work on natural material, just the fact that it could be used to break down POI's would be an issue.
about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Midas:
Originally posted by SkepticJoker: People will exploit any advantage.

Originally posted by xerxius: It would make it very easy to come by loot behind steel barriers then.

Yeah, fair point. Maybe that's more of a problem with the land claim block itself, though. Like there should be more limitations on how it can be used.

Maybe it would need like a day before the damage bonus kicks in? Or longer perhaps.
People'd just plan ahead, "I'm going to loot this area tomorrow/day after/next week." Pretty much any requirement you put to it in order to prevent the player from using it that way would massively affect the players attempting to use it legitimately too.

The fact is, such a change would invariably make the landclaim FAR more useful as an area harvesting aid than as it's intended purpose: To claim land.

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