almost 4 years
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Never, ever, mine anything under something you care about unless you have an absolutely perfect grasp of the structural mechanics. Quick way to lose tons of work. And if you attempt it, always reinforce more than you think you need- More structural pillars to support everything is super important. Even do extra's beyond the 'minimum necessary' just for safeties sake.
Support is infinite when measured in an unbroken vertical line of blocks from bedrock- Any open space makes support finite from that point upward; This is why digging under things is dangerous.
But tbh, much better to just not risk everything by digging under everything important to you.
Support is infinite when measured in an unbroken vertical line of blocks from bedrock- Any open space makes support finite from that point upward; This is why digging under things is dangerous.
But tbh, much better to just not risk everything by digging under everything important to you.