over 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Not a bug report. Moving to General Discussions.
over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
I mean, In a normal world, Normal weather is taken for granted.

""It's a horror game, so it's dark"" is not what's going on here, though. The burnt area is smoky because it's burnt; It's still smoldering. There are still active cinders and glowing embers everywhere.

The wasteland is wasteland because it (or an area adjacent to it, technically) was nuked. Fallout is in the air. Life is dead there, There's no living grass rooted into the topsoil to stop dust storms. Etc.

And both of the above have a dramatic effect on local climate, Not to mention some other things going on.

Overall though, Much as I can see why the weather is the way it is, I wouldn't be against settings to control it. I'd love to have it always raining myself. :P

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