over 4 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by xerxius:
Originally posted by Crazed Possum:
it's not a bad idea you could always add a staircase and they will walk right back up to exactly where you want them to be. Just add a trap area at that point and slaughter them

I did a test on something similar a few days ago, didn't get it to work as i wanted it but maybe someone else can see a better way.


Good stuff here! Thanks for sharing.

  • You should build a moat around the structure. You already went to the effort of providing a ramp/stairs to get out when zombies fall in the hole. It should be simple to connect the moat to that. Then the zombies shouldn’t beat on that one wall close to you.
  • If you use a pressure plate to trigger the vault hatches, you won’t have to get the timing right on manually hitting the switch.
  • If you were doing it ‘for real’, you’d want an escape ladder so you’re not boxed in. But you probably don’t care about that since you’re 100% creative mode-ing it.