almost 4 years
ago -
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You're misunderstanding the food system. There is a thin green bar (and a blue one) below your hotbar that represent your hunger and thirst levels. When it's full, You're full.
When you're not full, the number from eating/drinking ticks down slowly and replenishes the bar; When you're full, it ticks down more rapidly as you're over-eating.
You can see hard number values in your character menu- But tbh, the bar is enough to go by most of the time.
And there's no ill effect to not eating until roughly the 70% mark, where you'll get a small debuff, and then the 30% mark, where you'll get a bigger debuff. (0% is death)
The number on the left side is just representing the slow absorption of the foods value.
When you're not full, the number from eating/drinking ticks down slowly and replenishes the bar; When you're full, it ticks down more rapidly as you're over-eating.
You can see hard number values in your character menu- But tbh, the bar is enough to go by most of the time.
And there's no ill effect to not eating until roughly the 70% mark, where you'll get a small debuff, and then the 30% mark, where you'll get a bigger debuff. (0% is death)
The number on the left side is just representing the slow absorption of the foods value.