about 7 years ago - [Fatshark] Hedge - Direct link
We have no plans to support VR in the core Vermintide 2 experience, however, don't rule out another VR experience similar to our last outing (that said, we haven't looked that far ahead at all!) :)
almost 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Spend three minutes searching before starting a thread. This is asked and answered about once every month or so.

Yes it's planned. It's part of the kickstarter goals even.
Next time you get to wondering, try using Google first.
over 2 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by ~$$~ BlackCatTheGreat ♣♣: First result on google for "7 Days 2 Die VR" does state "Planned, likely post gold feature".

Sylen isn't wrong, and so is the mod for this forum that said that a year ago. IN FACT, Sylen them-self already said answered this same exact question nearly 4 years ago in this very same forum.

(There probably should be a FAQ more visible on this forum, would help stem some of these "Frequently asked Questions" :) [] )
Too many Pinned thread muddles the forums. Especially when Steam's default view only shows 15 threads, and people rarely expand that view, or bother going past page 1.