about 3 years ago - Red Eagle LXIX - Direct link
Yes, it is intended per the A20 Experimental Release Notes[7daystodie.com]
Player planted crops now give 2 fruit per harvest with a 50% chance of a seed
about 3 years ago - Red Eagle LXIX - Direct link
It does make it harder.
Perk level 0
2 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed
Perk Level 1
4 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed
Perk Level 3
6 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed

So with a start of 50 fruit that convert to 10 seeds.:
Perk Level 0
20 Fruit + 0 seeds (worth 0fruit) = Loss 30 Fruit
Perk Level 1
40 Fruit + 0 seeds (worth 0fruit) = Loss 10 Fruit
Perk Level 3
60 Fruit + 0 seeds (worth 0fruit) = Profit 10Fruit

Perk Level 0
20 Fruit + 5 seeds (worth 25 fruit) = Loss 5 Fruit
Perk Level 1
40 Fruit + 5 seeds (worth 25 fruit) = Profit 15 Fruit
Perk Level 3
60 Fruit + 5 seeds (worth 25 fruit) = Profit 35 Fruit

Perk Level 0
20 Fruit + 10 seeds (worth 50 fruit) = Profit 20 Fruit
Perk Level 1
40 Fruit + 10 seeds (worth 50 fruit) = Profit 40 Fruit
Perk Level 3
60 Fruit + 10 seeds (worth 50 fruit) = Profit 60 Fruit

As can be seen, on Average it will take at least one level of Living Off The Land to have a reasonable chance of being profitable farming but even then losses are possible. It will take all 3 levels to guarantee profit.
about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Welcome to what happens when everyone complains 'Food is too easy', 'Farming is overpowered', and 'We liked the old farming system!' ad nauseum. Change happens. It may be tweaked down the line- But this change is pretty much entirely the result of community feedback, at least from where I'm sitting.

Seed-wise and replanting wise, This is much like the old farming system- Except you do have a chance to get a free seed back now, where you didn't before.

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