almost 4 years
ago -
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They will come for you, And if they don't have a path down to you, They'll burrow through the ground to reach you. So definitely set up a bigger hole with a ramp leading down to your defenses at the minimum.
When I do a cave base, I tend to build my defenses up high near the surface- Almost like a bunker that then has an 'elevator' (elevator style shaft with a ladder) down to my base on the far side of it. Makes repairs much easier and allows me to build in an escape route, and also minimizes damage done if zombies decide to burrow a bit.
When I do a cave base, I tend to build my defenses up high near the surface- Almost like a bunker that then has an 'elevator' (elevator style shaft with a ladder) down to my base on the far side of it. Makes repairs much easier and allows me to build in an escape route, and also minimizes damage done if zombies decide to burrow a bit.