over 4 years
ago -
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From what you described, there is no bug here that i can tell. When you log out during a quest, the quest is returned to it's initial state; This happens regardless of whether or not you logged out, crashed, were kicked, or what have you.
However, to prevent abuse of this system, it also often forces a cooldown on the quest to prevent you from starting the quest, looting the POI, logging out, logging in, and starting the quest again to refresh the area.
The quest isn't 'Failed' because you didn't fail it, but you can't start it again because it's on cooldown; So long as the quest remains in your quest log, you should be able to just come back in an ingame day or two and you should be able to attempt it again...Or just abandon the quest and accept a new one.
However, to prevent abuse of this system, it also often forces a cooldown on the quest to prevent you from starting the quest, looting the POI, logging out, logging in, and starting the quest again to refresh the area.
The quest isn't 'Failed' because you didn't fail it, but you can't start it again because it's on cooldown; So long as the quest remains in your quest log, you should be able to just come back in an ingame day or two and you should be able to attempt it again...Or just abandon the quest and accept a new one.