9 days ago - Roland - Direct link
Originally posted by Krowle: You cannot buy it.
Example buying special price 4 pack game =
- one will always go for you.
- three for the other.
One of your friend should buy and gift among them instead.
You must not own the game to buy a special price gift pack.

This is correct and I will add that it is a Steam policy and not something TFP has any control over. They asked Steam about changing it to a simple discount for buying two copies of the game at once and they were told no.

You should also understand that when you purchase the pack you are not getting a game key that you can then email to your friend. Instead one copy of the game shows up in your notifications and one shows up in your friend's notifications. The only option your friend has is to accept the game to be added to their library. They won't have a game key that they can instead send to someone else or resell. This is why it won't let you buy the discount pack if you already have the game in your own library.
8 days ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by onewhofound:
Originally posted by Roland:
This is correct and I will add that it is a Steam policy and not something TFP has any control over. They asked Steam about changing it to a simple discount for buying two copies of the game at once and they were told no.

You should also understand that when you purchase the pack you are not getting a game key that you can then email to your friend. Instead one copy of the game shows up in your notifications and one shows up in your friend's notifications. The only option your friend has is to accept the game to be added to their library. They won't have a game key that they can instead send to someone else or resell. This is why it won't let you buy the discount pack if you already have the game in your own library.

That is kinda shenanigans, seems like you guys coulda worked this one out by now. I found a guy in 2014 with the same problem.
It's not something individual developers can resolve. Like Roland said, Steam Policy mandates that the first copy of any multi-copy pack goes to the purchasing user. And Steam is strongly disinclined from changing that requirement since it was made a requirement to combat people buying multipacks with discounts and then reselling them, cutting Steam and the developers out of a considerable chunk of the money being moved by sales.
7 days ago - Roland - Direct link
Originally posted by onewhofound:
Originally posted by Cor.: Cant you gift each one a single copy?

I know youre trying to save some $$$, but That might be the only way to do it.

I'm going to send money to one of them to buy the two pack, and have him send the other copy to the other guy. Cumbersome, but we're all friends on the same Discord server so it'll be fine.

Even buying the game is a game....lol