about 3 years
ago -
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Originally posted by Randem Gamor: This game is NOT Early Access. It's been out almost 8 years.Is the game in a 1.0 Completed Fully Released Launch State? No? Then it is early access, Plain and simple.
It could be out for 100 years, Or 1,000, and it would still be Early Access to the in-progress product.
The game is still in Alpha because they have a hard list of features they are going to include determined by the kickstarter that began all this, Until that list is met or they're Forced to drop some of them, the game will remain incomplete, and thereby, still early access for end users. It's not still alpha because they refuse to fix bugs or optimize; They're putting off fixing bugs and optimizing because it's incomplete. They're still building and refining the foundations and the furniture of the proverbial house, Giving it a nice paint job and waxing the floors(bugfixing and optimizing) is a waste of time when you know you still have to tear holes in the wall to run electrical wiring.
Like, I get it. It's frustrating. But, Unless you wanted that 8 years to be 16, Doing it their way is the right way. You dont do a lot of bug fixing and polishing on an incomplete product. You complete the product, and then fix and polish as the final step.
And just as a note, they DO do a fair amount of fixing and polishing to keep the game mostly playable for the most people- But doing any more than that is a waste of developmental time.
Tell me, Have you ever looked at the patch notes for many games? Have you ever noticed a trend of a bug being fixed in patch A, but then mysteriously it reappears down the line in patch B, C, or D, only to be fixed again? Because it happens, a lot. And it happens more when you're still regularly refining the foundation of the code- The act of which would invalidate many bugfixes since fixes are generally built upon the underlying code- Not separately from.
Lets say they took a month right here, right now, and fixed every single bug without adding anything new. The moment they change something in the foundation, half of their work on bugfixing has just been invalidated because of that change. So now they take time off of working on it to fix all that back up, And then change again- Now they take time off progressing the game again to patch it back up, and change something again-
You have now, at the very minimum, Doubled the time the game takes to create because you're constantly re-fixing bugs since you're constantly rewriting code in the underbelly of the beast. This is a huge waste of time. It's better, if more aggravating to the end user, to focus on finishing the game, And THEN move onto fixing the bugs and polishing.
Finish the foundations, The walls, the floors, Then add the shiny coat of paint.