over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
You do not lose skill points or levels after death- It sounds like you had a Cigar equipped at one point which gives +1 to strength, and later unequipped it.

EG: Your actual strength was 5, and you had +1 from the Cigar, totaling 6. So you then bought rank '7' which was actually rank 6. Later you then unequipped the Cigar, perhaps to swap it for a bandana for the cold/heat resist, which dropped your Strength from 7 to 6 which is the actual rank you own.

Similarly, If you had the buff from..I think steroids? it gives a boost to strength.

Both the semi-permanent buff from Cigar and the temporary buff from steroids allow you to buy ranks in skills without actually having the primary stat raised to the right level- but when either is removed, you do lose access to any skill ranks which require the increased primary stat.

EG: If you have 6 str +1 from cigar, you can buy skills which require 7 strength- but if you remove the cigar, you'll lose access to those ranks which require 7 str until such a time as you buy Str 7 and/or equip the cigar again.

It's also possible i suppose that you tried to buy rank 7 but didnt have the SP available and it failed, and you just didnt notice.

Edit: Of note, in the second example, you never lose skill points- only temporarily lose access to the skill until such a time as the primary stat is raised to a level that allows you to use it again. All of the above applies to other temporary bonuses as well, such as fort bites, or nerdy glasses, etc.
over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Bones: The cigar! Of course that's what it was. I had totally forgotten about that. Thank you! This was driving me crazy.

Hmmm, I did have a cigar equipped when I purchased level 7 strength for two points (which was technically level 6 strength because the +1 was only a buff). Normally no big deal, but level 7 cost 2 skill points. So i just paid 2 skill points for what was essentially level 6 and now I have to pay another 2 skill points or permanently have a cigar equipped. Seems like a game design problem to me.
When buying levels of the primary stats it costs the appropriate amount of points. You bought level 6 at the time, not level 7. So now you either buy level 7, or keep the cigar equipped.

Rank 1 is a freebie
2: 1 skill point.
3: 1 skill point.
4: 1 skill point.
5: 1 skill point.
6: 2 skill points.
7: 2 skill points.
8: 2 skill points.
9: 3 skill points.
10: 3 skill points.

So you spent 2 points to buy rank 6 which with +1 from cigar totalled 7; You'd have spent those 2 points to buy rank 6 either way. Now you have the choice of either spending 2 more points to buy 7, or continuing to use the cigar for the free +1 str. But you have not 'wasted' any skill points or spent any skill points you should not have.

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