almost 4 years
ago -
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Hard to define. The AI looks at a total sum of block HP required to reach the player along with time required for travel and some other things. Doors are treated as half as much as their listed HP value to account for the possibility of being open or closed.
So if you have a door worth 2500 hp, and walls worth 2500(1250 each, requires a minimum of 2 blocks broken to breach) HP, they'll prefer to go to the door as the door is considered to be 1250hp. However if your door is worth 6000 HP while the walls remain the same, they'll prefer to break the walls as the door is now considered to be 3000 HP.
But travel time matters- If a zombie spawns on the near side of your base but the door on the far side is the lowest hp way in, they may decide breaking the wall on the near side is much preferable to walking all the way around to reach the door, even though that wall is technically more HP.
Also range matters, If you have an absolutely monstrous base, the far wall(s) may not even be in the detection range of the AI, and so they would only really consider the wall they spawn closest to.
Ultimately, Just experiment- Failure isn't a gameover, and you'll learn a little bit at a time about how they'll behave when you try new things.
So if you have a door worth 2500 hp, and walls worth 2500(1250 each, requires a minimum of 2 blocks broken to breach) HP, they'll prefer to go to the door as the door is considered to be 1250hp. However if your door is worth 6000 HP while the walls remain the same, they'll prefer to break the walls as the door is now considered to be 3000 HP.
But travel time matters- If a zombie spawns on the near side of your base but the door on the far side is the lowest hp way in, they may decide breaking the wall on the near side is much preferable to walking all the way around to reach the door, even though that wall is technically more HP.
Also range matters, If you have an absolutely monstrous base, the far wall(s) may not even be in the detection range of the AI, and so they would only really consider the wall they spawn closest to.
Ultimately, Just experiment- Failure isn't a gameover, and you'll learn a little bit at a time about how they'll behave when you try new things.