almost 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by shodgson118:
Originally posted by {UA} MrsLongLoad: I think it's a bit silly to compare this game to "100+ saves" given the massive between this game and others. The open world, with the level of terrain detail is a massive amount of data. This is well known in the gaming community- I suggest you do a bit of research. I completely understand your frustration, but your expectations are unreasonable.

The fact is there are multiple Fallout games that are open world & others that have been saved to the cloud without issue. 7 Days To Die is nowhere near as technical or complex than most of the saves that have been restored, yet it is the only game that hasn't been saved to the cloud. Bottom line is Fun Pimps have proven how mediocre they are when it comes to making games in general never mind the fact they can't handle something as simple as providing cloud storage options like 9 out of 10 games companies do.
The saves literally cannot be saved to the cloud. Steam does not allow enough space for it. It's not a failing on TFP's part.

Steam allows a Maximum of 1gb cloud storage for a game, And reaching that maximum requires paying a huge sum of money to steam for it. The default amount is 10mb or 100mb iirc.

The gamesaves of 7DTD however start at 200-250~mb depending on world size, and can quickly grow to be 1+GB on it's own. A single save risks exceeding the steam cloud limit per game. And that's before accounting for the fact that saves are tied to worlds, which themselves are 800+mb. Which means, a single save+world combo at the outset of the save before you even do anything will exceed the 1gb limit.

Minecraft world saves are also massive- They start large, and get significantly larger as you explore, and can easily exceed 1-5+gb depending on how long you stay in the same world and how much you explore and change things.

This is an issue with Voxel games by nature. Voxel information is not a small amount of information to store. The save sizes for any voxel game will never be comparable to games like Fallout that just store some variables in a text format and have a save size that tops out at like 5-25mb.

I get why you're upset. But, This is just a fundamental impossibility for this kind of game until Steam increases the allowance of cloud storage per game beyond 1gb.

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