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Yes it was supposed to happen. When you die the horde ends until you engage a zombie and re-initialize the horde night in so doing. It's to prevent infinite death loops, essentially.
Originally posted by TheChoccoBiccy09:Yes- You won't find any random wilderness zombies typically, but if you encounter any zombie and engage them, the horde night is supposed to resume; Or at least so I've read from forum posts of peeps who pay more attention to the dev posts than I do. Never died during a horde night and subsequently been brave enough to go test it out, though.Originally posted by Shurenai: Yes it was supposed to happen. When you die the horde ends until you engage a zombie and re-initialize the horde night in so doing. It's to prevent infinite death loops, essentially.Wait, so if you found a random zombie, let’s say it a POI spawn, will the game spawn in the blood moon again? Cause I found that after dying to the blood moon there is absolutely no zombies around to re trigger the horde night
Originally posted by Raemnant: In my recent experience, the horde did go away, but it seems like they just ran down the street. As I was going through my chests and refreshing my supplies, I saw them come running right back around the corner from a house next to my base, then the fight started again. I hadnt shot any stray zombie just yet, was reloading guns'Engaging' a zombie is a two way street- Either you attack them, Or they spot you and come to attack you. :P