almost 4 years
ago -
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It has always been basically unending spawns, yes; not really unending, but a number significant enough that it takes awhile to kill them all.
The "Blood Moon Count" setting determines how many zombies are alive at one time attacking the player at any given time during the blood moon.
A setting of 8 means that there will be 8 zombies (per player) attacking your base at any one time during the horde night. If you kill 4 of those, 4 new ones will spawn to replace them.
There IS an upper limit to the spawns that gets higher as your gamestage grows. Typically your first horde will peter out after an hour or two unless you're playing on 150-300% exp gain (More exp means more gamestage can be gained before the first horde.)
The "Blood Moon Count" setting determines how many zombies are alive at one time attacking the player at any given time during the blood moon.
A setting of 8 means that there will be 8 zombies (per player) attacking your base at any one time during the horde night. If you kill 4 of those, 4 new ones will spawn to replace them.
There IS an upper limit to the spawns that gets higher as your gamestage grows. Typically your first horde will peter out after an hour or two unless you're playing on 150-300% exp gain (More exp means more gamestage can be gained before the first horde.)