8 months ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
The game has to be more clever than just adding more zombies, because each zombie has a performance cost. Turning on feral sense is a good start, because then you will more easily aggro the zombies that are already there but weren’t going after you. You will also face more challenge from zombies with a higher gamestage: either directly by leveling up your character, or due to gamestage multipliers like being in a more dangerous biome. As for Blood Moons, you set how frequent they are. You can have a Blood Moon every night if you want. Lastly, there are screamers. Some players will deliberately raise the activity in a small area, for instance by running many forges, to draw the attention of screamers, and then purposefully let them call in hordes.
8 months ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
It sounds like wandering hordes are closest to what the OP is after. I imagine a mod could pump those up separate from biome zombies.

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about 15 hours ago - Crater Creator