almost 4 years
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You can in fact starve and dehydrate to death. And it functions almost identically to old versions: Your hunger/thirst actually has to reach 0%. Not 66%, Not 33%, 0%.
The amount of hits you need to kill something also depends entirely on where you hit it. If you're smacking a boar on the hind, yeah, you're not gonna do a lot of damage. Land your blows between the brows though, and it'll die fairly quick. Headshots are invaluable damage.
Also the quality and mods of your club aren't as important if you dont actually have ranks in the club perk to bolster it's damage and effects. You're missing out on as much as 50-100+% additional damage and killing potential if you're not perked into the weapon with a high associated main stat.
The amount of hits you need to kill something also depends entirely on where you hit it. If you're smacking a boar on the hind, yeah, you're not gonna do a lot of damage. Land your blows between the brows though, and it'll die fairly quick. Headshots are invaluable damage.
Also the quality and mods of your club aren't as important if you dont actually have ranks in the club perk to bolster it's damage and effects. You're missing out on as much as 50-100+% additional damage and killing potential if you're not perked into the weapon with a high associated main stat.