Original Post — Direct link

Basically, I bought the game on steam, I think that it's not starting because my steam account and my Ubisoft Connect account are linked but have different emails. Although I don't think that's the main reason. There may be a background process that's interfering with the loading process. Anyways, when I click the play button on Ubisoft it asks me to enter my password and I do it and it shows the splash screen which I would assume means it's loading. But when I look at my Task manager, the CPU is like 70%, and then like 10 seconds after I started loading the game, it goes back down to 0.7%. I seriously don't know what's wrong. I've tried to verify the files but it also says that I don't even own the game even when I've paid and it gives me the option to play. Please help.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hey there @mustomusty! Sorry your game isn't loading past the splash screen. You mentioned trying to verify your files, but it says you do not own the game? Would you happen to have a screenshot of that? Additionally, if you haven't already please try running through these basic troubleshooting steps to see if this allows your game to launch.

@ts_987 If you have gone through these troubleshooting steps and tried verifying your files, but are still unable to launch your game. Please reach out to us on our support website with your MSINFO and DxDiag so we can look into this further.