almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @lisachang35 @SpirantCrayon22 @Tobias12345689 sorry for the late response.

@SpirantCrayon22 you are correct you can use Synin in Svartalfheim, apologies for the previous response.

@lisachang35 I can confirm that this particular issue was reported by another player in the past and the development team did investigate and were unable to reproduce the issue, however they did find that the affected player was using a cheat engine which was likely the cause.

@Tobias12345689 as mentioned in my response above, the development team were unable to reproduce this issue when it was reported previously. Also, Title Update 1.7.0, released on February 21, is the final update to address bug fixes in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. As a result, any new issues reported will not be addressed by the development team.