When using a two-handed weapon, the character displays one extra scabbard on his back.
When using a two-handed weapon, the character displays one extra scabbard on his back.
Hey folks,
This is due to an ability in the game offering Dual Wielding.
I will pass your feedback onto the team regarding this.
Hi @sattium85 I am sorry that this visual bug had not been addressed.
The feedback has been passed on to the development team, however as UbiGabe previously advised in that screenshot you provided this will be considered low priority as the development team will be focusing on issues with a higher priority, such as bugs that are preventing players from progressing.
Unlocking the heavy dual wield skill adds this additional scabbard, therefore it is likely working as intended and is not meant to revert back if you are not dual wielding heavy weapons.
@sattium85 Thanks for clarifying this, I will pass this feedback on to the development team.