Original Post — Direct link

I play on the computer. Why am I not getting a popup saying I have completed a challenge, achieved achievements or finished a reward like PlayStation Is there a setting within Connect or is it a non-existent feature?? If it is a setup, please help me to do it, and if it is a feature that does not exist, then please work on introducing it

over 1 year ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link

Hello @hdoosaw,

Thanks for reaching out!

The trophy feature with the screenshot provided is exclusive to the PS5 UI and PS5 system, and it is not available on PC in this exact form, I'm afraid.

However, once your challenges are completed in Ubisoft Connect, you should receive a pop-up if your overlay is enabled.

I hope it helps and if you have any additional questions, please let us know!

over 1 year ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hey @hdoosaw and thanks for the reply!

As mentioned in the link kindly provided by @Sigfried-M this feedback has already been forwarded to our development team. For now, there is no intention on changing this behaviour, however feel free to follow the thread above for more info, thanks!