[Notice] I was unable to find the corresponding PS4 freeze/crash report thread. Only found the PC thread.
Currently if there is any area within the Dawn of Rangarok DLC that is largely filled with gold treasure, the PS4 will sometimes freeze.
Unable to post video/force replicate. Unable to gather the corresponding Error Code. No code listed in Bug Reports via PS4's main Settings.
Character Menu
When out in the wild for Dawn of Ragnarok, anywhere, frequently when browsing my weapons, and armor for their individual sub-menus via items (Chest, cloak, helmet, Main Hand, Offhand, etc.), the game would freeze completely.
Freezing started after grabbing the Hreidmar's armorset.
•Addeded two purification runes. (1 on Torso, other on Cloak for Hreidmar's armorset)
•Changed the appearance of the Fallen Hero a few times.
•Removed the customizations of every item I had, including the Fallen Hero cosmetics that I originally did.
•Equipped the Shinobi (Night) armorset
•Fast traveled away.
In this order.
Equipping the Fallen Hero Brestplate, Greaves, and Coak would cause a freeze.
I'm able to navigate through all of the other menus, walk around freely, and fast travel.
I'm also able to equip other armors.
Unable to take a video, but able to force replicate. No code listed in Bug Reports via PS4's main Settings.
Each one of these freezes I'd have to either manually turn off the PS4 by either pressing the button, using the PS4's side menu, or completely unplug the PS4. If the game freezes then I have to wait a few seconds, open the PS4's side menu and select restart. Depending on how swiftly navigate around the menus, the PS4 would freeze completely.
I'll update this the more I toy with the issue.
My only assumption is a memory leak, or something to do with the
Hreidmar Armorset, currpoting armor peices of other armorsets.
Trouble Shooting a Temp Fix
I'm currently still trying to find how to undo this freezing loop for the armor
•Fast traveled back to Hodda Shelter to change the cosmetics of the Shinobi (Night) armor
•Went into my inventory, hid all of my Shinobi (Knight) armor that I originally had equipped
•Talked to the Smith
•Changed appearance of Shinobi Brestplate to Fallen Hero brestplate, and removed the change (no freeze)
•exited out of blacksmit menu
Swamped the Shinobi breastplate with the Fallen Warrior breastplate. (No Freeze)
*Repeated process for other Fallen Hero with Fallen Hero breastplate Equipped (Game Froze)
•Repeated process, but left the Fallen Hero Brestplate, and Shinobi Hood unhidden (No Freeze)
*Exited out of Blacksmith Menu to equip the real Fallen Order Cloak with only the Breastplate, and Cloak items both unhidden (Game Froze.)
•Repeated original process with every armor piece.
○Game Froze only when more than one Fallen Hero armor piece is equipped, via inventory armor sub-menus, at the same time)
(made separate save for each step)