1st - This occurs when Eivor is in the longboat and the crew is singing a song. If you exit command of the ship while they are singing, Eivor is supposed to say something like "We'll pick this up later." Instead he just says something like "We'll pick thi....." and it cuts off. This is a very old bug I thought would be fixed by now.
2nd - The last task in the quest "Ringing Cyne Belle" has you report to Gaedric. While approaching Gaedric, Sigurd is having a conversation with him about how he wants to attack now and Gaedric won't attack without Eivor arriving first. While approaching them during this conversation you notice Gaedric's voice is quite loud compared to Sigurd's. I realized that it's because Gaedric's dialogue is actually being spoken by Eivor. You can see him lip syncing it and everything.
3rd - When initiating the quest to kill the Legendary wolves "The Corpse Eaters", Eivor seems to be trying to say "Let's do this" or something along those lines when jumping in the arena. Unfortunately, I can't make it out since it gets badly cut off by the cinematic that plays when entering the arena. A second audio bug occurs upon killing the last of the wolves. If you use a stun attack as the final blow, Eivor simply says the word "Foul." Didn't seem right so I redid the fight and killed the final wolf using a standard arrow shot and his dialogue plays properly and he says "A foul taint cleansed". Again, seeming to be an issue where cinematics are cutting of the dialogue.