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I've just logged into the game to find a new festival of which name I cannot remember. It's the Fall festival, basically, and there's a mission called 'Homeward' that starts after speaking to the Mad Monk in the woods. I found the stone ruins that I'm supposed to use Odin's sight to find the image on the rune nearby and the game keeps telling me to use "V" for Odin's sight, but when I press it it doesn't work, and when I went to check if I changed the key-mapping, the game doesn't allow me to even look into it. Not sure why this feature is disengaged during this mission but could you like, not do that? I know it's a lot to ask.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @M-R-HDSC18 I'm sorry to hear that you are unable to use Odin's sight during the Oskoreia festival quest 'Homeward'.

I am unsure why you are unable to access the options menu during that quest.

Have you tried leaving the quest area or loaded a previous save so that you can check your key mapping in the settings? If not I would suggest trying to do this and if it is correct retry the quest.

If the issue persists could you try changing the key binding and retry again.