Original Post — Direct link

I just bought the opal map, and now the opals I pick up are not counting towards my total count. I collected all the opals in Norway without realizing that they weren't counting. I have been stuck at 50, I've tried reloading a previous save but the opals have not reappeared. I currently have 1.6.2 installed, and I am on PC.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @MassDriverShot apologies for the late response.

I'm also sorry to hear that your opals are stuck at 50 and don't appear to increase. To confirm is the total amount of opals collected stuck at 50 in game or in the Ubisoft Connect stats?

Opals will not reappear if you load a previous save as these are synchronised with the server once they have been collected and should remain in your inventory.