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I cannot obtain the wealth in Stavanger because the shelf that is blocking it cannot be moved. Is this a bug or you need something to do in order to get the wealth. I've seen tutorials and they can move the shelf easily. Please respond. Thanks!

Video Link here (Start at 0:25):


over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @davioniel, sorry to see you're having some trouble with getting one of the ingots in Stavanger. I appreciate the video, up-front!

This might have happened due to a weird physics issue with how the shelf spawned in when the area loaded. I would suggest the following steps before trying again, as that shelf does not require anything special before you can move it.

  1. Fast travel away from Stavanger, then walk back to the area.
  2. Close out of the game and verify your game files. This should also confirm that the most recent update is installed.
  3. If the above two steps do not let you move the shelf, try reinstalling the game entirely.

Let me know if you still cannot move the shelf after this.