In the starting village, I went exploring in the mountains and stumbled upon a soldier that was meant to be on lookout duty but instead was sleeping on the side of a road. I interacted with them, followed them along a zipline until they "woke up" from sleep-ziplining and then followed them all the way back to some outpost...
I then interacted with the only interactive NPC in the outpost and they issued me a quest to wake that person up and then never let me hand in the quest which I had already completed.
I'm not on the latest version of the game but it's fairly up to date. I'm currently in the process of updating it. The main EXE file has these checksums which tech support can use to figure out what version of the game I'm running (or you can wait until the update finishes downloading/applying and I can open the main menu I guess).
File: ACValhalla.exe
MD5: 853c87a325045e3855e0261d1390569a
SHA-1: 78546f61a8668a8b8651182a31ed672ee372465e