Original Post — Direct link

Hi, this seems to be an issue that started with the latest update; after entering photo mode and then exiting it, the escape key doesn't do anything, and I'm unable to open the pause menu in the game. In addition, I know of several other people who are having the same issue.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Dastan - Direct link

Hey @Qstlijku Apologies for the delay and sorry to hear that the Pause Menu does not work after using Photo mode. 😞

Have you tried verifying the game files to see if the issue still persists? Another step I could advise you doing would be to delete the config file which can help to solve certain issues that you may experience in game. This file will then automatically be created when starting the game.

Should the issue still persist, would it be maybe possible to provide a video of this issue? This would help the development team to investigate further once we have passed all the information on to them. 🙂

If you have any queries in the meantime, please let us know!