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Not sure if this is just a issue for me personally, but recently when I do the "avenge player" missions, they tend to spawn/mark one enemy basically on the other side of the map. Latest one was me being in Cent and getting an enemy tag in Sciropescire. Annoying I thought, but I can make do. So I fast travel over and head over to where it was telling me on the map, only to find an Empty field and a curse site. The quest marker didn't even show up on the compass bar at the top, which I'm certain only happens if the enemy is too far away. I cleared the curse site since I was there and looked around but there was nobody in sight. Re checking on the map confirmed I was standing essentially on top of him, but when I zoomed in to check where on the map elevation, the marker moved over the different spot. But when I checked the new spot as well, there was still no enemy. My only guess is that it spawned him under the terrain. Is this a common bug or just a once in a while stuff?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @TheoffNomad apologies for the late response.

I'm also sorry to hear that you were unable to complete the avenge quest.

I can confirm that this issue was reported by another player in the past, however the development team were unable to reproduce it.

Title Update 1.7.0, released on February 21, is the final update to address bug fixes in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. As a result, any new issues reported will not be addressed by the development team. Thank you for your understanding.