Original Post — Direct link

Good afternoon I bought the game from you for the first time and I can not play.
Error crash after Animus way to England. I lie down in the animus and take off, I go to the animus, there is a loading and departure.
In version 1,1,2 everything was normal, I bought the official one and I can’t go further than the animus

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @cocosKIEV,

Thanks for reaching out.

Just to be clear - does the game crash whenever you go to England?

And how long has this been going on for? As there have been many updates since 1.1.2.

And have you attempted any troubleshooting steps since this began, such as those in our guide?

If not - please make sure you do as they're key first steps when it comes to any crashing issues.

Let us know how you get on!