Original Post — Direct link

To continue this locked thread... https://discussions.ubisoft.com/topic/100644/resolved-pc-the-game-crashes-whilst-raiding-meldeburne-post-here?lang=en-US

I have now purchased this game and cannot do this raid. What is the fix? The original thread says RESOLVED but with everything up to date and EVERY graphics setting available on LOW I still cannot complete the raid. The game sputters and goes to desktop with no option to do anything but let it happen. I can't even do a raid in the towns nearby for the same thing happens there as well. If it can't be fixed via my local settings... what's the fix?

over 2 years ago - UbiChrisMANG - Direct link

@xxVishous Hello and welcome! You posted this to the Rocksmith Discussions, so I will move the thread to Valhalla for you.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Greybeard - Direct link

Hello @xxVishous ! Welcome to the forums!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing crashes when raiding Meldeburne.

The original issue, that you linked, does appear to have been resolved after Title Update 1.4.0. Have you fully updated the game to version 1.6.1?

As a first step, I'd recommend trying the troubleshooting steps that can be found in the following support-article. If the issue persists after the troubleshooting has been performed, I'd recommend opening a support ticket via our Support-Website and provide us with Msinfo and Dxdiag files, so we can look into the exact causes of the crashes.