I've tried to experiment a little about this.
I beat the main campaign, did all of the England side content like river raids and tombs of the fallen, and finally decided to go to Ireland. I have 200+ hours in the game and haven't had a crashing problem like this until now.
Basically every time I try to go to Lambay Abbey in Ireland, it crashes. No error message or anything, no 'please send us the crash report', nothing. It just quits the game to desktop. I kept reopening and trying to continue. At first I thought it was because I was attacking a certain NPC. first I ran up to him to melee and it crashed, then I went without my Vikingr crew and assassinated one guy, and threw and axe at him with an assassination combo, and it crashed. I then shot him with my predator bow and it didn't crash, so I moved on, up the steps. Attacked the next guy, crashed. Next time around I shot all the people in the next area with my bow and cleared it out, went up, got a treasure chest, sniped the next group of enemies, went up the steps, and crashed. I repeated everything then saved my game manually after sniping the third group of enemies, and went up the stairs, crash. Tried again. Crash. It autosaved. I kept then loading my game and immediately crashing. I had to load my manual save to get going again. it would SEEM that I can't physically go near the actual abbey building AT ALL without crashing. I have no idea what's causing this.