Original Post — Direct link

Hi. As titled, my Lieutenant is missing. Has nothing to do with the inability to recruit other jomsvikings bug.. I have not had that problem.

Not sure where he's gone off to. I don't see him on the docks, in the barracks, or anywhere else. When I "summon my jomsviking" the one who shows up on the following screen is.. someone else's jomsviking who I had hired long ago.

Restart didn't help, travelling to other countries didn't help. When they die in battle, I thought they were only "unable to be used for some time".. however long that means. I haven't seen him in a long time.

Not sure if it has something to do with my berserker armor.. which disappeared from my inventory around the same time and which, coincedentally, he was clad in.

What has happened to him?

Ps5 version, with ps4 disc.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @dubelj01 apologies for the late response.

Thanks for the update, I will lock this thread since your Jomsviking is not missing.