Original Post — Direct link

hola, tengo un problema
y es que el juego no me lo reproduce y eso que lo estube jugando asta el 11 de este mismo mes asta que lo intente abrir y se me quedo en el logo de carga y no me salia el juego o incluso el logo se cerraba sin que pueda entrar al juego
me podrian ayudar ?
se los agredeseria mucho

over 1 year ago - UbiMindflayer - Direct link

Hello Vikings! Thank you for being here and helping each other out! Your positivity has been wonderful here. Per our Forums Rules and Useful Links page, I'd like to offer a friendly reminder. As these are English forums, we ask that all posts be in English to allow us to moderate and assist more effectively. Please feel free to use our Spanish forums for your convenience. Thanks again for reaching out!

@labstrak We have reported up several crashing issues, particularly crashes that have been happening since the beginning of the Sigrblot Festival. When updates are available on this, they will be posted on the News & Announcements page on our forums. Thanks for reporting this!