Original Post — Direct link

Game was running fine for me until 2 weeks before. Now it's stuck on the logo after launch and not starting. PC version, OS Windows 11. Please tell some solutions to fix this.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Pegasus - Direct link

Hey @Devil_Bringer

Thanks for reaching out with this issue, I'm sorry to hear this has been happening to you so that you're unable to launch your game.

I'd first recommend giving the steps on our PC technical troubleshooting article a go, to see if these might help with the issue.

Could you clarify on which platform exactly this is happening on? (Epic Games, Steam or Ubisoft Connect).
And also if you're getting any error messages or if you have changed anything about your setup recently before this happened?

If your issue persists after the troubleshooting steps, or you have any other questions, just let me know!