Original Post — Direct link

Tarben keeps hopping out of the Longship at the Nene and Brant River crossing while escorting him back to the Settlement.

He eventually hops back in if you stick close to the shore after the river crossing, but during he just wants to hop out, then back in, then back out.

about 4 years ago - UbiExcellent - Direct link

Hello everyone, and apologies for the lateness of my reply here. For those of you that are still unable to escort Tarben back to the settlement due to him jumping in and out of the Longship, please give the following workarounds a try that were suggested by players on this thread:

  • Go back to Ravensthorpe, untrack and track the 'Man of Mystery' quest, speak with Tarben again in Ravensthorpe. (Xingent)
  • Go across the river and begin killing people (matty00192)
  • Hit Tarben's horse that's next to his house (XboxOffyesse)
  • Untrack the quest, head to Norway, return to England, and track the quest again (bakgreenbay)

Many thanks to all of you that shared these workarounds!

Should the issue persist after, please provide a YouTube link showing the issue fully. I'll be happy to forward this to the development team for further evaluation once received.

almost 4 years ago - UbiExcellent - Direct link

@spentcartridge Thanks for sharing the workaround that resolved this issue for you! 😊