over 1 year
ago -
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Wild Blood Hotfix #1
Note: This Hotfix will be deployed respectively on East and West during the first maintenance after the update goes live, and will not require updating the game client.
Tracking Changes
Shapeshifter Weapons:
Note: This Hotfix will be deployed respectively on East and West during the first maintenance after the update goes live, and will not require updating the game client.
Tracking Changes
- For the additional trackable creatures added with this launch that do not drop artifacts or rare ingredients, Silver dropped has been increased by 300%.
Shapeshifter Weapons:
- Fixed issue where zone change did not trigger proper cooldowns when transformed via Shapeshifter Weapons
- Fixed issue where tracking creatures sometimes disengaged too early
- Fixed rare issue during final Tracking stage where target could escape too early
- Fixed party size threshold that causes Tracking targets to flee:
- Small group hunts: players on threat list 3 → 4
- Large group hunts: players on threat list 8 → 9
- Small group hunts: players on threat list 3 → 4