about 4 years
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Rise of Avalon Patch 14 - Ver. 1.17.410 / REV 185092 - 10 February 2021
Barbarian Bundle Now Available
The new Barbarian and War Beast skin bundle is now available in the ingame shop. Transform your character into a mighty barbarian, and your Direwolf mount into the fearsome new War Beast! This bundle also includes a matching avatar and avatar ring; for a preview, click here: albiononline.com/en/news/barbarian-skin-bundle-is-here
Crystal League Changes
Barbarian Bundle Now Available
The new Barbarian and War Beast skin bundle is now available in the ingame shop. Transform your character into a mighty barbarian, and your Direwolf mount into the fearsome new War Beast! This bundle also includes a matching avatar and avatar ring; for a preview, click here: albiononline.com/en/news/barbarian-skin-bundle-is-here
Crystal League Changes
- Level 1 and 2 20v20 Crystal League matches now happen 6 times a day at the following times:
- 01:00:00 UTC
- 01:30:00 UTC
- 12:00:00 UTC
- 12:30:00 UTC
- 19:00:00 UTC
- 19:30:00 UTC
- 01:00:00 UTC
- All Crystal League no-shows for both 5v5 and 20v20 matches will still reward Season Points regardless of match level
- Emergency Shield (Guardian Helmet):
- Cooldown: 30s → 40s
- Cooldown: 30s → 40s
- Cooldown Reduction effect for Razor Cut (Bear Paws) now works as intended
- Circle of Life (Nature Staff) now roots mounted targets as intended when cast with sufficient Thorns stacks
- Emergency Shield (Guardian Helmet) can now be purged as intended
- Additional minor graphical, terrain, and localization fixes