almost 3 years ago - Retroman - Direct link
With the upcoming standalone season, we will introduce Disarray, a Zerg Debuff mechanic. The idea here is to create a trade-off for bringing massive amounts of players. This way we want to encourage players to have more fights with smaller and better organized groups, instead of over-emphasising the sheer amount of players alone.

How this works
  • If 25 players or more of the same alliance are in the same cluster they all get a debuff: Disarray
  • This debuff reduces: Bonus Damage vs Players & Bonus Defense vs Players
  • The more players the alliance has in the cluster the stronger becomes the Disarray debuff
  • This feature will be launched with the upcoming event season
  • The debuff only applies to guilds / alliances. Groups of blue players on Royals or faction flagged players are not affected.

Debuff Thresholds
The strength of the debuff depends on the number of allies you have, starting at a very low value, and growing stronger the more allies there are.

  • The Debuff starts at 25 players
  • every 5 additional players the bonus defense vs players is reduced by 1%, while also reducing the bonus damage by the same effective value
  • So, if two zergs of the same size fight each other, the damage and defense reduction should cancel each other out.
Player Threshhold defense vs players damage vs players
25 -1% -1%
30 -2% -2%
35 -3% -3%
40 -4% -4%
45 -5% -5%
50 -6% -6%
55 -7% -8%
60 -8% -9%
65 -9% -10%
70 -10% -11%
75 -11% -12%
80 -12% -14%
85 -13% -15%
90 -14% -16%
95 -15% -18%
100 -16% -19%
105 -17% -20%
110 -18% -22%
115 -19% -23%
120 -20% -25%
125 -21% -27%
130 -22% -28%
135 -23% -30%
140 -24% -32%
145 -25% -33%
150 -26% -35%
155 -27% -37%
160 -28% -39%
165 -29% -41%
170 -30% -43%
175 -31% -45%
180 -32% -47%
185 -33% -49%
190 -34% -52%
195 -35% -54%
200 -36% -56%
205 -37% -59%
210 -38% -61%
215 -39% -64%
220 -40% -67%
225 -41% -69%
230 -42% -72%
235 -43% -75%
240 -44% -79%
245 -45% -82%
250 -46% -85%
255 -47% -89%

Old Values from Percival patch 10
Spoiler anzeigen

These are the values, before revamping the effect:
  • This debuff reduces: Damage, Healing Output and CC Duration of all alliance members in the cluster
Ally Count Debuff Strength
26 1%
27 2%
28 3%
29 4%
30 5%
35 6%
40 7%
45 8%
50 9%
55 10%
60 11%
65 12%
70 13%
75 14%
80 15%
85 16%
90 17%
95 18%
100 19%
110 20%
120 21%
130 22%
140 23%
150 24%
170 25%

While we know that this system can be circumvented by breaking alliance / guild, this tradeoff makes the system act as a disincentive to simply mindlessly bringing more players and forces guild commanders to think about the effectiveness of their army. But if you split your forces like this to avoid the effect, you’ll have to deal with the organisational overhead and friendly fire between the fighting groups.

DISCLAIMER: This feature is currently still in development and details may still change

I am looking forward to your feedback and hope you are all excited for the upcoming standalone Season.
