over 1 year ago - PrintsKaspian - Direct link

UPDATE: An additional Reset Day has been added on February 25 to collect more data for this type of content in the beta. The other season dates remain unchanged.

The Beta Guild Season is part of the Albion East Closed Beta, which runs from February 20-March 12, 2023, only on the new Albion East server. It is only accessible to players with an Albion East Founder Pack.

For full details about the new server, Founder Packs, the Closed Beta, and more, please see the dedicated Albion East page: albiononline.com/asia

Season Schedule

Date Time Event Portal Binding Removal Day of Season
20.02.2023 11 UTC Beta Season Starts, Territories not yet claimable - 1
25.02.2023 1 UTC Resets and Invader Spawns, Territories become claimable Disabled 6
26.02.2023 1 UTC - Enabled 7
04.03.2023 - Resets and Invader Spawns, 2x Score Disabled 13
05.03.2023 1 UTC - Enabled 14
11.03.2023 - Final Territory Battles - 20
13.03.2023 1 UTC Beta Season Ends - 22

Invasion Day on Albion East
  • All territory claims are dropped at 1:00 UTC
  • Territories become reclaimable and Guardian Bosses spawn
  • Territories with a primetime starting at 5:00, 8:00, 12:00, 14:00 UTC become claimable at 8:00 UTC on Saturday
  • Territories with a primetime starting at 16:00, 18:00, 21:00 UTC become claimable at 14:00 UTC on Saturday

Updated 1 February: Due to the scope of the Beta Season, the Crystal League data gathered under this test scenario would be of limited use. Therefore, Crystal League matches will not be active during the Closed Beta.

Season Details

During the beta, all players will have automatic Premium status, 2000 Learning Points, and significantly boosted game progression. All players, whether in a guild or not, can participate

This progression buff is automatic for all players, and grants the following:
  • +100% Fame from gathering, farming, and PvE
  • +200% Resources from gathering and fishing
  • +200% Silver from mobs
  • Resource weight reduced by 66%
  • All characters start with 2000 Learning Points
Note: This boost is active only during the beta, and only on the Albion East server.

Permanent Rewards

While normal Guild Season rewards unlocked via the Conqueror's Challenge will only be available during the beta, and will not persist after the server is reset at beta end, top-ranking guilds, along with players who make sufficient progress during the season, can unlock unique rewards that persist even after the beta ends.

Guild Rewards
Custom Guild Logos: The five guilds with the highest ranking at the end of the season will each get a unique custom guild logo, created in collaboration with our art team. These logos will then be added to the game after the beta and become permanently available to guilds on both servers.
Custom Season Statue: The season’s top guild will get a unique custom guild statue, which will be permanently placed in Albion East's open world for all to see. The second- and third-place guilds will also receive non-custom statues in the open world.

Personal Rewards
Unique Placeable Statues: During the beta, each player can unlock up to three unique placeable statue items that they will receive on Albion East after the beta ends. Statues are unlocked once per account, and are earned for the following activities (with only the highest-tier statue given for each activity):

PvE Statue:
  • Bronze: Reach 500,000 PvE Fame during beta
  • Silver: Be in the top 30% of the Bronze group
  • Gold: Be in the top 10% of the Bronze group
Gathering Statue:
  • Bronze: Reach 150,000 Gathering Fame during beta
  • Silver: Be in the top 30% of the Bronze group
  • Gold: Be in the top 10% of the Bronze group
Trader Statue:
  • Bronze: Possess 300,000 Silver at the end of beta
  • Silver: Be in the top 30% of the Bronze group
  • Gold: Be in the top 10% of the Bronze group