Original Post — Direct link

I'm not sure what's going on, but sometimes when I launch the game I do not see the option to "continue" and only have the option to start a new game. Am I doing anything wrong? I will play a new file for a few days and then all of a sudden it is no longer there.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @FindSophrosyne

There's a few things that could cause your save files to go missing. To start with, I'd like to see if you currently have any locally saved files available. Check the following file locations for me, and let me know if you find anything there -

%userprofile%\Documents\Anno 1800\accounts\ (You should be able to paste this into your Explorer address bar and find the right location.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\4553

If you can see save files in these locations, you should be able to continue from them in game. This would imply that there is an issue with Ubisoft Connect, or your game installation being unable to "see" your saves for whatever reason. There's a few basic steps to try that may resolve this immediately:

  1. Reinstall Ubisoft Connect.
  2. Follow the PC Troubleshooting Guide.
  3. Ensure that both Ubisoft Connect and the game are running with Administrator Rights.
  4. Disable or uninstall any mods if you have any active.

Let me know if you find save files that do not show up in-game, and if the suggested troubleshooting does not allow you to resume from a save file.