Right now there are no plans in that direction. For release, Anno 117: Pax Romana will be available on Windows PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S
Right now there are no plans in that direction. For release, Anno 117: Pax Romana will be available on Windows PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S
Got the invite too. Does that mean we are in a waitlist or are we gonna picked regardless? And when does it start?
From the pool of everyone who signed up, we will randomly pick people for each upcoming beta test.
Does anyone know how they pick those who can play in Beta? Im assuming its random+content creators?
Depends on the playtest, really. The registration here is for multiple different test phases.
For the large phases like Closed Beta: very much a random selection for each platform + some handpicked people.
For smaller playtests: mostly handpicked people or at least much more specialised criteria (platform? player type? played Anno before yes/no?).
Anyway to change the email address any invite would be sent to?
You would need to change the email address of your Ubisoft account, that's where we send the invites to.
You should be able to change it via this website: https://account.ubisoft.com/
I don't understand whyni can't go to beta....
Looks like the wrong URL was added on Ubisoft Connect. Please use this link: https://register.ubisoft.com/anno-117/
Does anybody know how long the selection/approval process will be? Like should I expect an email (if I get selected) same-day, or like 6 weeks from now?
This is just a registration for future beta tests ;)
I understand you (and many others) are impatient now, but the next test is still a little bit further into the future. We'll post news when invites are about to be sent out.
Gorgeous island! Crazy impressive what you all pulled off here.
We always uploaded a bundle with the artworks of the respective year in our last blog of the year (e.g. here: https://www.anno-union.com/union-update-happy-holidays-2024/) but you might be right that the overall bundle hasn't been updated with the last few CDLC.
We'll take a look at that and update the master bundle in the near future.
Hello, how can I build this way? I can't find a way to make my menu look like this.
Those are custom stamps created by the YouTuber in question. You can create your own (on PC) to suit your needs.
You can find a "how to" in these places:
- Anno Union: https://www.anno-union.com/union-update-its-annoversary-update-release-day/
- Anno Stamps (where you can also find plenty of Stamps created by other users): ...
Read moreIt's true that in our real world, both during ancient as well as medieval times, taxes were not necessarily paid in coins but occasionally in goods. However, in Anno 117: Pax Romana, money/coins will once again be used as a way to measure your income, pay for upkeep costs etc.
that's not ingame footage, that's footage made with the game engine but beefed up ^^
This clip was captured in-game and represents the current visuals of the game at the time it was captured.
Hey Anno Community,
While we’re in denial that January is already coming to an end – we’re still finishing up all the chocolate stockpiled during the holidays – we thought to have a small recap of the latest news in this Union Update.
Our third and last contest is up and running, Annoholics! Have you always dreamed to have your very own island design for an Anno game? Well, this is the perfect opportunity for you. In this contest, we challenge you to design an island for the Latium region, in Anno 117: Pax Romana. If you would like to submit your entry for a chance to see your island in the game, check the full rules ...
Read moreJust as a heads up:
Anno 117 is unlikely to be affected by this, as it's developed by Ubisoft Mainz.
I tend to not comment on any business topics here for obvious reasons, but making an exception today: As stated by several in the comments and the subreddit mods (thank you!), Anno 117: Pax Romana is developed by Ubisoft Mainz and its development is not impacted by this recent decision.
I can confirm that dynamite fishing won't make a return (it became a running gag in the dev team, though). However, people management is very unlikely to be part of Anno (in general). That said, the campaign should give you a closer attachment to the world than a regular sandbox game.
A few comments on the other points:
Our modders have the luxury of (worst case) accepting decreased performance (e.g. max-zoom), that's something we try to avoid.
In postlaunch we also added significantly more complex production chains to Anno 1800, but the base game didn't go quite as crazy. That level of challenge and complexity only speaks to a part of our audience.
Things like this is why we are happy to support and showcase our modding community: they can create content or do changes to the game catering to very specific player types (or simply cause they want to play that way).
We, on the other hand, still have to keep the playerbase as a whole in mind when d...
Hey all! Unlikely to happen for the release version, but happy to keep this in mind for the free updates in postlaunch - assuming the demand for it is high enough to warrant the efforts :)
Thank you, Dazzling_Loan_3048! <3
Read moreu/Ubi-Thorlof can you already say if you are planning to bring back assistance tools like the statistics screen where you see statistics about production/consumption/inventory history/etc.?
This really was transformative to my Anno experience and the best update ever - I would happily have paid for that (maybe I shouldn't say thath ;) ). And judging by comments online, I'm not the only one.
Before that update, Anno at a later stage was just too much for me and felt overwhelming and I spent way too much time in text or excel files where I had to jot down numbers and track figures over time. I spent so much time counting buildings, calculating production needs, etc. I much more felt like a book keeper than playing the game and spent what felt like half my time outside of the game, looking at the notes I took. And that was just not very fun for me.
The statistics you introduced resolved all that in the blink of an eye and I now s...
We're very aware how much value the statistics menu provided our players on Anno 1800 (including myself!). So, for Anno 117: Pax Romana, providing our players with such a management tool for their provinces is on the list.
Hello Anno Community,
It is time for the third and final Community quest dedicated to Anno 117: Pax Romana – where we ask you to use your creativity and imagination to create something that will make its way into the game.
From statue designing to quest writing, you have had quite some fun in the past few months! And we have loved seeing your creativity and imagination being applied to Anno 117: Pax Romana. This time, we challenge you to design an island for Latium, one of the twin provinces under your stewardship. Latium is close to the heart of the empire, a place of luxury and tranquility, covered in wheat and lavender fields. Cypress trees adorn paths and provide much-needed shade during the warm summers. With its beaches, open fields and breathtaking views, this province makes the perfect retreat for the wealthy.
... Read moreThere was a bot (or intern)that let us know they'd done a thing with our comments
That was my team and me - but glad to hear you all liked it!
(I might've missed this but -) Will Albion or Latium be the 'main' session? Or will they be equal, like the Ecos vs Tycoons in 2070, and you can choose which to start and which to add later? That's my hope.
Or other?
You will be able to start in either of the two provinces and expand to the other if you so desire, so, neither is the "main" one from a gameplay perspective.
From a narrative perspective, Latium is the "home province".