Original Post — Direct link

Originally posted by defeated_engineer

It's always a bad news for the quality of the game when developers spend resources on the things players don't care about.

Marketing is an essential part of game development - you have to get the word out there. And trailers remain a very important part of marketing strategies.

It's also important to keep the context of when assets are dropped: This was the reveal of our new project, the key messages (for both our existing players as well as people potentially interested) were the fantasy (be a governor, the world is your canvas, build grand cities and production chains) and the setting: ancient Rome.

Don't forget that making people aware of a game is very important, as without visibility and ultimately sales, we are not sustainable.
We love our highly engaged community, but they (not just for Anno, that applies for any game) make up only a portion of the entire playerbase - and we want to make sure as many as possible hear about Anno 117: Pax Romana.

The reception to the reveal and the trailer has been very positive, so, ultimately, I would say players do care about it ;)