Original Post — Direct link
OK, I have been trying the Free Trial and having fun. Right now it says the game is on sale at a 55% Discount. But then on the questions page about the trial it says a 40% discount from Dec. 11 to Jan 1st (IIRC). I am wondering what the difference is. Do I get the game at 55% off if I buy before the trial ends & after the trial if I buy I get a 40% off. Or is the 40% off a mistake that should be 55% off? Thanks.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Com_Raven - Direct link
Hey, the different editions are currently indeed 45-55% off. If the FAQ page says something else, our apologies.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Com_Raven - Direct link
Whatever price you see in Uplay or Epig Games Store, is the correct price for you/ your region at that time. If you see a different pricce somewhere else, the latetr would be wrong.