11 months ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link

Grab a piece of the birthday cake, Anno 1800 is turning 5 today!

Half a decade of Anno 1800 (and even longer for anyone who’s been following the game since its reveal in 2017) is quite some time and a lot has happened since the release back in April 2019. Let’s go on a little nostalgia trip together:


Five years really are a long time for any game, and we wouldn’t have been able to work on Anno 1800 for such a time without YOUR support. It was also your support that enabled us to reach


over 4 million players!


To celebrate both this milestone and the birthday, we’ll be adding a special monument to the game for everyone in our update in May:

CDLC 14 – The Steampunk Pack

This evening, we also held our birthday livestream with special guests Laura (Prop Artist) and Manuel (Creative Director). Not only did we celebrate Anno 1800 turning 5, however, we also had – as announced – a first look at the upcoming “Steampunk” Pack Cosmetic DLC for Anno 1800!

If you missed the livestream and want to know more: You can find the full VOD here.

Alternatively, at the end of April we’ll release a blog – as usual – with all information on the Steampunk Pack and its content.

Anno 1800 birthday giveaways

To further celebrate this anniversary, we have two little giveaways for you: We’re teaming up with Art4Fans to produce several Anno 1800 art prints that would surely look absolutely fantastic on your walls at home.

You’ll be able to buy them starting today!

A few lucky ones among you will be able to get your hands on one of those prints via our little contest over on Twitter starting tomorrow (17th)!

You will have to quote-retweet our post (to be posted tomorrow evening) and with the hashtag #AnnoGiveaway – and maybe tell us a bit about your time with Anno 1800!

Amongst all valid entries we will randomly select 5 winners.

On Wednesday (18th) we’ll also be giving away keys for both the PC as well as the Console version of Anno 1800 over on the Anno Subreddit.

Keep an eye out for our post there on Thursday afternoon. Here, as well, we want to hear about your favourite moment in or memory of Anno 1800 to celebrate its birthday. Among all participants we’ll randomly select 10 winners who can pick their prize.

Der Beitrag Happy Birthday Anno 1800! erschien zuerst auf Anno Union.