Original Post — Direct link
Hi all,

Quick couple of questions;
The Anno Season Pass which is currently at A$25.86 is this a one off fee or a subscription type payment?

Also, if I have the season pass and my friend doesn't, are we able to play together in the same multiplayer game?

Thanks for the help
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Com_Raven - Direct link
Hey there!

Yes, it is a one-off payment, that will give you access to one avatar, 2 company logos and, most importantly, 3 DLC packs (Sunken Treasures, Botanica, Passage).

And you will indeed both eed to own the same DLC to use it in your game. Hope that helps!
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Com_Raven - Direct link
Originally Posted by iamnqm
and you will be able to play with your friend if you disable your dlc for that multiplayer game, and you can switch it on again for singleplayer game
Very good points!