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Hi all!

Now that Anno 117 has been announced, I'd like to share Anno Ancient, a fan concept I've worked on occasionally over the course of several years. It describes, in detail, a potential Anno game set around Ancient Greece and Egypt, and has been a real labour of love with dozens of hours of both historical and game research going into it. I've played Anno since 1602 and was one of the main administrators of the Anno 2070 Wiki back in its day, and this document is the culmination of almost all my experiences with and thoughts of the series so far.

It's not finished and I don't intend to finish it - both because the scope of the ambition has been a little mad but also because with the announcement of 117, while plenty different from my concept, essentially fulfils my long-standing wish of an Anno game in this era.

The entire document can be viewed at AnnoAncient.pdf (might take a second to load) and it's published under CC0 1.0 Universal, essentially relinquishing my copyright on it, to allow anyone to do with it what they want and to prevent any unfortunate cases just in case a feature in a future game seems similar to one in here by coincidence.

To be clear - I'm not publishing this to set any kind of expectation, or even to tell Ubisoft what I think should be in Anno 117 (or any future game). There's plenty in here that's either unrealistic or just tuned to what I personally would want with little consideration for other people or play styles. I'm publishing this because I (half-)made something that I'm proud of, that's it, and I hope you enjoy it for what it is.

That said, while it's nowhere near finished, the document does include:

  • Production chains worked out for 14 population levels across several regions
  • Detailed descriptions of new mechanisms such as legitimacy and a technology tree
  • 20+ ship types with approximate statistics
  • 21 NPCs with personality and gameplay details

...amongst plenty of other random ideas!

Here are some screenshots, to give you a taste of the level of detail:

One of the regions, the Argides, with its fertilities and resources

Production chains for Argidean Aristocrats, the highest population tier in that session

Introduction to my thoughts about item management

Please let me know what you think! Are there ideas here you think should be implemented? Or things you vehemently disagree with? Enjoy!

External link →
about 2 months ago - /u/Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link

Extreeemely impressive - has been shared with the rest of the team as well.

And hey, you already "predicted" the two starting provinces - even if they're different provinces. Very fun read!

The efforts to grab all the different assets alone and making those slides look so clear: great stuff.